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Animal Encounters -- Birds -- Swans
  • Swans are generally larger than both geese and ducks.
  • They have webbed feet.
= Wild (3)    = Zoo (5)

Black-Necked Swan - Central Park Zoo Black-Necked Swan

Black Swan - Hyatt Regency Maui Black Swan
Swan Court
Mute Swan - San Francisco Zoo Coscoroba Swan

Mute Swan - Hyatt Regency Maui Mute Swan

Mute Swan - Sunnyside Beach Mute Swan

Mute Swan - Ontario Place Mute Swan [Gosling]

Trumpeter Swan - Toronto Zoo Trumpeter Swan [Adult & Gosling]

Whooper Swan - Iceland Whooper Swan

Whooper Swan - Leeds Castle Whooper Swan

Animal Encounters -- Birds -- Swans

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