
Ripley's Aquarium Of Canada

Ripley's Aquarium Of Canada
Below is our collection of photos from Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada.
The photos are presented in order as you walk through the aquarium.

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* Animal is a former aquarium resident.
  Animal (in brackets) is an unidentified species. 
  Some animals are in multiple locations but are only included on this list once.


Ripley's Aquarium Entrance

Admissions Area
Koi [Kigoi]
Koi [Kigoi]
Koi [Lemon Hariwake]
Koi [Lemon Hariwake]
Koi [Taisho Sanshoku]
Koi [Taisho Sanshoku]

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Megaladon Jaws
- Megaladon Jaws -

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Discovery Centre Overlook

Discovery Centre Overlook

Whale Skeleton
- Humpback Whale Skeleton -
Xiphactinus Audux
- Xiphactinus Audux -

Cylindrical Tank
Achilles Tang
Achilles Tang
Cynotilapia Afra (Jalo Reef)
Cynotilapia Afra (Jalo Reef)
Electric Blue Hap
Electric Blue Hap

Electric Blue Johanni
Electric Yellow Cichlid
Electric Yellow Cichlid
Giraffe Hap
Giraffe Hap
Pennant Coralfish
Pennant Coralfish

Silver Mono
Sohal Surgeonfish
Sohal Surgeonfish
Japanese Masked Swallowtail Angelfish
Japanese Masked Swallowtail Angelfish

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Canadian Waters

Canadian Waters

- Alewives From Below -

Great Lakes Basin
Brook Trout
Brook Trout

Channel Catfish
Common Carp
Common Carp
Freshwater Drum
Freshwater Drum
Lake Sturgeon
Lake Sturgeon
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass
Longnose Gar
Longnose Gar

Northern Pike

Spotted Gar
White Bass
White Bass

Yellow Perch

North Atlantic Deep
Blackbelly Rosefish
Blackbelly Rosefish
Ocean Pout
Ocean Pout

Sea Raven

Canadian Fisheries
Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Cod

Atlantic Halibut

Winter Flounder


Dungeness Crab

Hermit Crab

King Crab
Spot Prawn
Spot Prawn
Squat Lobster
Squat Lobster

Tanner Crab

American Lobster
American Lobster
American Lobster
American Lobster [Blue]


Alaskan Ronquil
Giant Acorn Barnacle

Blackeye Goby

Crescent Gunnel

Decorated Warbonnet

Grunt Sculpin

Longfin Sculpin

Mosshead Warbonnet
Northern Clingfish
Northern Clingfish

Northern Ronquil

Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker

Painted Greenling

Penpoint Gunnel

Sailfin Sculpin

Scalyhead Sculpin
Chiton (Sign)Chiton

Other Aquariums
American Eel
American Eel
Summer Flounder
Summer Flounder
Fleshy Sea Pen
Fleshy Sea Pen
California Sea Cucumber
California Sea Cucumber
Chain Catshark
Chain Catshark
Common Sea Star
Common Sea Star
Giant Pacific Octopus
Giant Pacific Octopus

Tube Anemone

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Pacific Northwest Kelp Forest

Pacific Kelp

Kelp Forest
Black Rockfish
Black Rockfish
Blue Rockfish
Blue Rockfish

Brown Rockfish

Buffalo Sculpin
Canary Rockfish
Canary Rockfish

China Rockfish

Copper Rockfish

C-O Sole
Kelp Greenling
Kelp Greenling

Kelp Perch

Ochre Star

Pacific Halibut

Pacific Staghorn Sculpin

Pile Perch
Quillback Rockfish
Quillback Rockfish

Red Irish Lord


Starry Flounder
Starry Flounder
Striped Surfperch
Striped Surfperch
Tiger Rockfish
Tiger Rockfish

Vermillion Rockfish

Walleye Pollock

Wolf Eel
Yellowtail Rockfish
Yellowtail Rockfish

Anemone Wall

Chevron-Tentacle Anemone

Clonal Anemone
Giant Green Anemone
Giant Green Anemone
Gigantic Anemone
Gigantic Anemone

Green Sea Urchin

Painted Tealia
Plumrose Anemone
Plumrose Anemone

Purple Sea Urchin

Red Sea Urchin
Strawberry Anemone
Strawberry Anemone

Stubby Rose Anemone

Velvety Red Anemone

Arctic Graylings

-Arctic Ice-
Arctic Grayling
Arctic Grayling

Rainbow Reef

Rainbow Reef

Rainbow Reef
Barred Flagtail
Barred Flagtail

Barred Rabbitfish

Bicolor Angelfish
Bignose Unicornfish
Bignose Unicornfish
Bird Wrasse [Female]
Bird Wrasse [Female]

Black Triggerfish

Blackedged Angelfish

Blackspotted Pufferfish

Blacktail Angelfish

Blotched Foxface
Blue Ring Angelfish
Blue Ring Angelfish
Bluecheek Butterflyfish
Bluecheek Butterflyfish

Bluespine Unicornfish

Bowtie Damselfish
Brown-And-White Butterflyfish
Brown-And-White Butterflyfish

Brownspotted Spinefoot

Clown Coris
Clown Surgeonfish
Clown Surgeonfish
Clown Triggerfish
Clown Triggerfish

Copperband Butterflyfish

Coral Hawkfish

Diana's Hogfish

Elegant Unicornfish

Emperor Angelfish

Forceps Fish

Freckled Hawkfish
Goldlined Spinefoot
Goldlined Spinefoot
Guineafowl Pufferfish
Guineafowl Pufferfish
Harlequin Tuskfish
Harlequin Tuskfish

Indian Vagabond Butterflyfish

Japan Surgeonfish

King Angelfish

Koran Angelfish

Lamark's Angelfish

Latticed Butterflyfish

Longfin Batfish

Longnose Surgeonfish
Lyretail Hogfish
Lyretail Hogfish

Magnificent Rabbitfish

Masked Unicornfish

Millet Butterflyfish

Threadfin Butterflyfish

Moon Wrasse

Narrow-Lined Puffer
Orange-Shoulder Surgeonfish
Orangespot Surgeonfish
Orbicular Batfish

Pacific Double-Saddle Butterflyfish
Pajama Cardinalfish
Pajama Cardinalfish

Palette Surgeonfish
Palette Surgeonfish

Pearlscale Butterflyfish
Picasso Triggerfish
Picasso Triggerfish

Powder Blue Surgeonfish
Pyramid Butterflyfish
Pyramid Butterflyfish

Queensland Yellowtail Angelfish

Sailfin Snapper

Sailfin Tang

Scrawled Filefish

South Seas Devil

Spotband Butterflyfish

Spotted Sharpnose Puffer

Starry Moray

Stocky Anthias

Yellow-Brown Wrasse
Yellow-Brown Wrasse

Teardrop Butterflyfish

Threespot Dascyllus

Tomato Clownfish

Twospined Angelfish

Unicorn Surgeonfish

Vagabond Butterflyfish
Valentinni's Sharpnose Puffer
Valentinni's Sharpnose Puffer

Whitecheek Surgeonfish

Whitetail Dascyllus

Yellowband Angelfish

Yellowface Angelfish

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Tropical Reef

Arnaz's Demoiselle

Asian Butterflyfish
Atoll Butterflyfish
Atoll Butterflyfish

Bicoloured Foxface

Bicolour Parrotfish
Blackback Butterflyfish
Blackback Butterflyfish

Black Butterflyfish

Blackwedged Butterflyfish

Blueface Angelfish

Bluegirdled Angelfish

Cape Verde Gregory
Chocolate Surgeonfish
Chocolate Surgeonfish

Coral Hogfish

Desjardin's Sailfin Tang

Doubleband Surgeonfish

Flame Angelfish

Gilded Triggerfish

Pebbled Butterflyfish
Raccoon Butterflyfish
Raccoon Butterflyfish

Rainford's Butterflyfish
Redtail Butterflyfish
Redtail Butterflyfish
Saddle Butterflyfish
Saddle Butterflyfish

Sixbar Wrasse

Speckled Butterflyfish

Sunburst Butterflyfish

Surge Wrasse

Tahiti Butterflyfish

Three Lined Fusilier

Twotone Tang

Zebra Moray

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Dangerous Lagoon

Dangerous Lagoon

Moving Walkway
Atlantic Spadefish
Atlantic Spadefish

Bermuda Chub

Blue Angelfish

Blue Tang

French Angelfish

Green Moray Eel
Green Sawfish
Green Sawfish
Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle
Grey Angelfish
Grey Angelfish


Nurse Shark

Queen Angelfish

Sandbar Shark
Sand Tiger Shark
Sand Tiger Shark
Saucereye Porgy
Saucereye Porgy

Smallmouth Grunt


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Blue Chromis

Bluehead Wrasse

Cleaning Goby

Giant Grouper

Goliath Grouper

Potato Cod

Spotfin Hogfish

Shark Reef

Shark Reef

Shark Reef
Blacktip Reef Shark
Blacktip Reef Shark

Epaulette Shark
Ornate Wobbegong
Ornate Wobbegong
Tasselled Wobbegong
Tasselled Wobbegong
Whitetip Reef Shark
Whitetip Reef Shark
Zebra Shark
Zebra Shark

Discovery Centre

Discovery Centre

Touch Tanks
Horseshoe Crab
Horseshoe Crab
Whitespotted Bamboo Shark
Whitespotted Bamboo Shark

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Clownfish Pop-Up Tank

Blood Red Fire Shrimp
Clown Anemonefish

Cushion Sea Star

Moorish Idol

Royal Gramma (Fairy Basslet)
Yellow Tang
Yellow Tang

Puffer Pop-Up Tank
Longhorn Cowfish
Longhorn Cowfish
Porcupine Pufferfish
Porcupine Pufferfish

Yellow Boxfish

The Gallery

The Gallery

Living Coral

Acropora Corals

Arc-Eye Hawkfish

Banggai Cardinalfish

Bicolour Goatfish

Blackstriped Angelfish

Blueband Goby

Blue-Green Damselfish

Convict Tang

Flame Hawkfish

Flat Brain Coral

Frogspawn Coral

Hammer Coral
Harlequin Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp

Longnose Hawkfish

Montipora Coral

Open Brain Coral

Plate Coral

Rolland's Damselfish

Yellow Clown (Okinawa) Goby

(Sea Cucumber)

Red Serpent Sea Star

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Venemous Fish

Devil Scorpionfish

Estuarine Stonefish

Foxface Rabbitfish
Red Lionfish
Red Lionfish

Spotted Scorpionfish


Electric Eel
Electric Eel
Electric Eel

Lemon Tetra
Redfin Tetra
Redfin Tetra


Lined Seahorse

Longsnout Seahorse

- Seahorse Nursery -

Dusky Pipefish
Dusky Pipefish

Yellowbanded Pipefish


Atlantic Mudskipper
Atlantic Mudskipper


Other Aquariums

European Cuttlefish

European Cuttlefish [Baby]
Flamboyant Cuttlefish
Flamboyant Cuttlefish *
Red-Bellied Piranha
Red-Bellied Piranha

Banded Leporinus

Special Exhibit Gallery

Curious Creatures

Curious Creatures

Goldfish [Fantail]

Goldfish [Black Moor]

Goldfish [Telescope]

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Goldfish [Red Cap Oranda]

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Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Splitfin Flashlight Fish
Splitfin Flashlight Fish
Polka-Dot Batfish
Polka-Dot Batfish
Giant Isopod
Giant Isopod
Sarcastic Fringehead
Sarcastic Fringehead


Black Crappie

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Swell Shark
Swell Shark

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Ray Bay

Ray Bay

Freshwater Rays
South American Freshwater Stingray
South American Freshwater Stingray
White-Blotched River Stingray
White-Blotched River Stingray

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Ray Bay


Black Grouper

Bluestriped Grunt
Bonnethead Shark
Bonnethead Shark
Cownose Ray
Cownose Ray
French Grunt
French Grunt

Ocean Surgeonfish
Roughtail Stingray
Roughtail Stingray

Sergeant Major
Southern Stingray
Southern Stingray

Spotted Eagle Ray

Yellowtail Snapper

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Planet Jellies

Planet Jellies

Pacific Sea Nettle
Pacific Sea Nettle
Moon Jellyfish
Moon Jellyfish
Upside Down Jellyfish
Upside Down Jellyfish
Spotted Jellyfish
Australian Spotted Jellyfish*

Atlantic Sea Nettle

Life Support Systems

Life Support Systems
This is where over 5.2 million litres of water are filtered and pumped throughout the aquarium.  95% of the water gets recycled. 

Life Support SystemsLife Support SystemsLife Support Systems

Shoreline Gallery

Shoreline Gallery
This area is the top of Ray Bay. You can touch the rays that swim into this area. 

Touch Tanks
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp

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Sea You Next Time!

* Animal is a former aquarium resident.
  Animal (in brackets) is an unidentified species. 
 Some animals are in multiple locations but are only included on this list once. 

Last Updated: March 2021

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