
Friday 10 January 2020

Toronto Man

Toronto Man Sculpture 101 St Clair West.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Address: 101 St. Clair Avenue West
Date: Nov 2019

    A man holding what looks like part of a condo building is one of the newest works of art to appear on Toronto streets.  This sculpture was chosen as it is said to embody the present moment in the city's evolution.  If that means that every time you turn around a new building has sprung up reaching for the sky then they are exactly right.

Toronto Man Sculpture Outside St. Clair West Starbucks.

  The sculpture is called Toronto Man and stands over 25 feet tall.  It was created by artist Stephan Balkenhol.  It is located outside of a Starbucks so you can't miss it.

Toronto Man Stands On Building Blocks.

  The man stands on top of coloured building blocks.  Perhaps this reminds Toronto Man of when he was just a Toronto Boy playing in his room.  Now the city is his playground.

Toronto Man Holds A Slice Of A Condo.

  From the side angle it looks exactly like Toronto Man has stolen a slice of suites from the building behind him.  Is Toronto Man creating something new or turning one suite from every floor into Air BnB's?

Toronto Man Stands Against The Sky.

  From a slightly different angle Toronto Man is in shadow cast by the buildings behind him. We can still see some sky behind him where the buildings have not yet risen.  Maybe that is where he is headed next.  Toronto Man sure does raise a lot of questions which is probably why he exists in the first place.

Map of Our World
Toronto Man

Post # 274

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